Saturday 3 March 2012

A FRIEND INDEED.......................

Once two friends were traveling in a ship. The Cruise ship was broken when the sea was haunted by a terrific hurricane. Only these two men escaped from the vessel by swimming and reached a nearby small island. The island was like a desert.

Both were very good friends. They did not know what to do. They decided to  pray until God hears their prayer.  They decided that they  would see whose prayer was effective for which they divided the island into  two parts and agreed to stay separate.

The first of them was praying for food. A variety of fruit trees appeared in his part of land. He ate the fruits happily but there was no change in the other man’s land. He was still hungry.

As he was no more  hungry, his next prayer to God was to  seek a girl to be his wife.What a surprise! It seemed God had heard what he prayed in  his prayers and a beautiful woman appeared before him. He was happy and married the girl and enjoyed her companionship. But the man in  the island's other side was still hungry and lonely too.

Whatever the  first man prayed for appeared before him - good food, clothes, nice house, everything came up like magic. But the friend on other side did not get anything. He had collapsed in hunger.

Finally, the first man with his new wife prayed for a boat to go to his own place. That came next. The first person was ready to leave the island with his new wife. But he did not invite his friend to the boat which was ready to leave the island.. He thought that he had the blessings of God, but his friend did not have the blessings of God even though he did not get and He thought God did not lent His ears to his prayers. He did not want to take his friend to their native.

When the boat was about to leave , he heard a voice –THE VOICE OF GOD echoed in the sky “ why are you going to leave your friend alone on this island?” .

He replied God  “I prayed to you and You blessed me and made ​​everything available to me only but you  did not listen to the prayer of my friend. He is not considered worthy to even get  one thing.”

The God’s voice spoke again to him, “Son, you're wrong. He asked only one thing - to heed to whatever you pray for. I had fulfilled  your friend’s prayers. Blessed is he –Your well-wisher.”.


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